Sunday, December 14, 2008

Wisdom Teeth Recovery

Removing your wisdom teeth is not the most fun thing to do. Some people get really nervous about the procedure, but knowing what to expect can reduce the worries. Remember that during the surgery, you are totally numb and should not feel a thing. Here is what to do after wisdom tooth extraction in order to recover comfortably:

  • Right after surgery, your mouth is still numb. You must therefore be careful not to bite the inside of your cheeks.

  • Bleeding lasts a few minutes after surgery. You may bleed again during that day or the next day. Use cotton gauze and bite on them to produce pressure on the extraction sites. This will help the blood clots to form properly. If you do not have gauze anymore, use wet tea bags.

  • Do not spit out the blood, but instead let if flow outside of your mouth.

  • Use an ice pack by putting it against your cheek for the first 24 hours. If you had all your wisdom teeth removed, alternate between the right and the left cheeks every 10 minutes.

  • Do not engage in physical activities for the first 2-3 days. Playing sports might increase bleeding.

  • Eat soft foods that are neither too warm, neither too cold. Your diet may consist of pudding and soup at first, but gradually add solid foods as healing progresses.

  • After 24 hours, rinse your mouth with warm water and salt several times a day.

  • Do not use a straw while drinking liquids.

  • Do not smoke for at least 48 hours! Smoking increases the risks of having dry socket, which is an uncomfortable and painful condition where the blood clot does not form properly.

  • Continue brushing your teeth, but go softly around the wisdom teeth extraction area.

One or two weeks after your wisdom teeth removal your mouth should feel very comfortable. The holes in your gums might still be there as it takes longer to be filled with healed bone. Continue rinsing with warm water and salt if food gets stuck in those holes.